A mother is just a human
9 years ago
Nothing can be as astounding as life- except writing -Ibn Zerhani
ReMiNiScEnCe....as the garden of memory grows arid... | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | Dandy Dandilion Designed by Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates
Ah... the naughty and playful kittens..how can you ever resist them?
Was that Buntal who almost got its head stuck in the hole?
Are you not worried that in all their excitement jumping up and down, that they might just injure themselves?
How about tiring those playful kittens by playing with them, or spraying them down with water to calm them down a little? ;)
:-( tok leh tengok video, gaknya kena filter di institusi kot, he h e.
welcome back akak!
syok tengok budak 2 ekor tu main... kalau alia dapat kebenaran cekik budak 2 ekor tu... can i join too?
comel gila masa dia masukkan diri dalam lubang boru tu....
Pycno- You spoke so soon! Buntal is now very, very under the weather. She would just lie helplessly and sleep...:((...no more romping around...I have to syringe milk down her throat and literally feed each biscuit into her mouth! Her mom is hopeless and doesnt seem to know how to take care of a sick child...
Has- tu lah ganas sangat sampai kena censor
Simah- lubang tu tempat dia istirehat, hehe
Hehehe, macam perangai pongkey and geng masa kecik dulu. Hmm come to think of it.. they are ponkeys cousins!
Ohhhh ... cuti "beranak" rupanya. No wonder no entries for so long, hehehe.
Eh jangan cekik those kittens!!!
maman kantoi bau bacin!!!!!!
Ok- they are indeed!
QOTH- bila you nak cuti beranak eh?
momad- ish- we hear what we want to hear, hehe
comel gile.......
very violent. how could you, doctor!
now i feel like jumping about in serai bushes, try to climb up walls and then wallow in a bowl!
Ood- must be the GA effect post LSCS eh? hehe
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