I almost cried watching this!
I went down a rigorous mountain,
I set sail a stormy sea,
I was hoping for a calmer weather,
For my spirit to set free,
But a shock of life I gather,
From a being full of audacity,
A mockery of life it displays,
Full of pretending ways,
Unfair battle ground it chooses,
To its advantage it knows,
Feeling triumphant, it glows,
But only God knows,
For in the heart, it shows.
I went down a rigorous mountain,
I set sail a stormy sea,
I was hoping for a calmer weather,
For my spirit to set free,
Still the haughty being prevailed,
Thinking God’s approbation it has gained,
Sitting high and mighty on its pedestal,
Despicable foolish acts it plays,
Matriarchal powers it demands,
But none it begets,
Neither respect nor veneration,
For all has gone down the muddy drain!
I went down a rigorous mountain,
I set sail a stormy sea,
I was hoping for a calmer weather,
For my spirit to set free,
I hope one day I’ll be liberated,
From a being so disdainful, so arrogant,
Does it not think of the here after?
Where all actions are weighed and measured,
Nay! For never a minute it has pondered,
Of all the wraths it has incurred,
Of all the hearts it has severed,
Of sad minds and souls,
All maimed and tortured,
By you, the tempestuous being of the gallows!