Sunday, July 30, 2006


Raising up children has been aptly likened to flying a kite. When I first heard of this analogy, I was a bit baffled, though. My small mind couldn't comprehend the validity of it, then. Now, after years of bringing up my already grown-up children, with all the complex intricacies, I can now unfeignedly appreciate and vouch the utter truth in it.

Have you tried flying a kite before? On a good, windy day, flying a kite can give one a feeling of sheer exhiliration. It is an art of its own, flying a kite, that is. It has to be done in an open field with minimal obstacles to prevent tripping, as you need to run back and forth to maneuver it. Essentially, a successful kite-flying is a necessary balance between sufficient wind and proper handling of the string attached to the kite. The amount of string to be released or pulled back is crucial. If too much of the string is released from your grip and should the wind suddenly opt to cease blowing or change it's direction, you'd lose control and the kite might plunge to the ground miserably. This is where the crux of the analogy lies. When raising a teenager, there are times you need to exercise a certain amount of liberation and give him/her leeway in making decisions. Exessive control over then would just cause them to retaliate and teenage angst would surely sever the bond between child and parent, inevitably.

Once, the kite has reached good heights and is soaring magnificently up high, very much like a care-free preying eagle, one has got to be able to 'sense' the wind pattern. The ability to judge the wind-flow and the prowess to maneuver the string with fluid agility and savvy anticipation, would promise blissful, long and persistent moments of kite-flying satsifaction. Thus there will be times when the kite-flyer would sense a sudden change in the wind and he/she needs to pull back a certain amount of the string, to prevent the kite from plummeting. Similarly, whilst allowing your teenage child a certain amount of freedom in decision-making, you still need to monitor them and intervene when the need arises. Guidance is crucial. Giving firm advice is mandatory. Good teenage parenting would entail listing out ideas and options and providing them with sound opinions. A confused teenager when properly guided will (Insyallah) grow into a fine adult. Whilst a fine teenager when left astray will invariably succumb to all sorts of life 'mishaps'. Many a times, we've heard of so-and-so who were excellent students at school only to later in life, involve themselves in common vices like drugs, prostitution and such. These are the possible adverse life-indulgence that some teeangers chose to take and as parents we must be expeditious in our actions to curb such undesirable situations. May Allah swt. protect our children from them, ameen!

When too much of the kite-string is being pulled back, it would result in a non-exciting 'show'where the over-cautious kite-player would maintain a mediocre and boring, low flying kite, afraid of taking risks. Hence, the same goes for the said analogy. If one exercise excessive control on their teenaged children, they would often grow into meek adults who can't think and decide for themselves or worst still, they could even become indecisive, weak, dithery souls who can't cope with real-life responsibilities.

Now, as I sit back and watch my grown-up kids, I ponder if I have flown the 'proverbial' kite successfully? Each time I see a flaw or weakness in their character (not that I have none, mind you!), I'd question myself if I had pulled or let go too much of the string? Or perhaps, I should have used a different kind of string altogether? :-) No matter what, i pray that all the kites that I have flown will persistently soar with great determination whatever the wind conditions may be. As parents, the bulk of onus is on us as to how our kids turn out to be.

As our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w. had said in the Hadeeth: Every newborn is like a piece of white cloth. It's their parents who raise them up as Jews, Christians or Majusi.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

(Pengumuman ini diambil dari blog Kenakelayan)

Seminar Perpaduan Ummah dan Kemurnian Aqidah

Assalamu alaikum…

Tuan / Puan yang dirahmati,

Alhamdullillah, seminar ini akan di adakan pada tarikh
dan masa , sepertimana yang telah dijadualkan.
Beberapa tentatif berkaitan Seminar ini adalah
sepertimana ketetapan-ketetapan berikut :

Tajuk : Seminar Perpaduan Ummah dan Kemurnian Aqidah

Anjuran : Kerajaan Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur dengan
kerjasama Yayasan Sofa dan Yayasan Pendidikan Cheras
Tarikh : 25 – 28 Ogos 2006

Tempat : Dewan Jubli Perak
Bandar Kuantan,
Pahang Darul Makmur

Penyertaan : Terbuka kepada semua ( 800 orang yang
pertama , tempat adalah TERHAD, siapa dahulu dia dapat).

Terdiri daripada :

a. Ashab as Samahah semua Mufti-Mufti Negeri-Negeri di
Malaysia, termasuk Mufti-mufti di negara-negara Asia
Tenggara ( Mabins ).

b. Semua Pegawai Hal Ehwal Agama Islam , Jabatan Hal
Ehwal Agama Islam / Majlis Agama Islam / Bahagian
Dakwah, negeri-negeri di Malaysia.

c. Semua Pegawai Syariah, Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah
Malaysia / Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Negeri-negeri, di

d. Pensyarah-pensyarah, Mahasiswa/i dan para pelajar
di semua Universiti / Kolej , Institusi Pengajian
Tinggi / Awam dan Swasta di Malaysia.

e. Semua Pengetua Madrasah / Pondok , para Pendakwah
Bebas, individu dan kumpulan , NGO dan lain-lain.

Bayaran Penyertaan : PERCUMA*

Majlis Perasmian : YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia **

Majlis Penutup : YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia

Majlis Perlancaran Kitab oleh YAB Perdana Menteri
Karangan/Susunan - Syeikh Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaludin
al Maliki.

Pembentang Kertas Kerja : 14 Pembentangan

Prof. Dr. Ali Jumu’ah
Mufti Republik Arab Mesir.
Tajuk : Mazhab Asy’ari di antara Tafwidh dan Takwil.

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tayyib.
Rektor Universiti al Azhar Mesir.
Tajuk : Halangan-halangan Ke arah kesatuan Ummah.

Al Allamah Syeikh Muhammad Muhktar al Salami
Bekas Mufti Tunisia
Tajuk : Perbahasan tentang Hadith Jariah.

Dr. Sa’ad Jawish
Prof. Jabatan Hadith Universiti al Azhar Mesir.
Tajuk : Perbahasan Tentang Hadith Perpecahan Ummah.

Dr. Ahmad Badruddin Hasun
Mufti Syria.
Tajuk : Kefahaman Mengenai Tasawwuf

Prof. Dr. Umar Abdullah Kamil
Ulama’ Arab Saudi.
Tajuk : Kebatilan Pembahagian Tauhid Kepada Tiga

Al Allamah Syeikh Usamah al Sayyid Muhammad Mahmud
Pensyarah Universiti al Azhar Mesir.
Tajuk : Hukum-hakam Kubur.

Dr. Muhammad Benkiran
Ulama’ Morocco
Tajuk : Ancaman Daripada Sembarangan Menghukum Kafir.


Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Fadhil
Naib Rektor Universiti al Azhar Mesir.
Tajuk : Kepentingan bermazhab dan pendirian Islam
tentang Talfiq Mazhab.


Al ‘Allamah al Muhaddith Syeikh Mahmud Sa’id Mamduh
Penyelidik di Pusat Penyelidikan Islam Dubai.
Tajuk : Pentashihan Hadith Tawassul dan Ziarah.


Prof. Dr. Faruq Hamadah.
Prof. Jabatan Hadith Universiti Muhammad 5 Morocco
Tajuk : Pemahamam Tentang Hadith-Hadith Mutasyabihat.


Al ‘Allamah Syeikh Sa’id Abdul Latif Faudah.
Ulama’ Besar Jordan.
Tajuk : Salafi dulu dan kini, dan implikasinya
terhadap perpecahan ummah.


Al ‘Allamah Syeikh Abdullah Farraj al Syarif
Ulama’ Arab Saudi.
Tajuk : Kaedah Usul: al Tarku La Yuntaju Hukman;
Perkara yang tidak dilakukan oleh Rasulullah tidak
menatijahkan suatu


Al ‘Allamah Sayyid Ahmad Muhammad ‘Alawi al Maliki al
Pensyarah Universiti Malik Abdul Aziz Jeddah.
Tajuk : Pemahaman Sebenar Tentang Bid’ah.

Pembentangan adalah di dalam Bahasa Arab / Bahasa Inggeris.
Semua pembentangan boleh dirujukkan/dibaca
bersama dengan Buku Kertaskerja-kertaskerja ( yang akan dibekalkan ),
yang diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Malaysia.***

Harapan :

Seminar Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah ini begitu besar ertinya kepada umat Islam
di negara ini dan kejayaanmenganjurkan seminar ini pasti menyaksikan satu
perubahan besar dalam pemahaman berkaitan aspek Aqidah ini. Apa yang
penting daripada seminar yang dirancangkan ini akan menjadi titik tolak kepada
umat Islam yang mempunyai jati diri dari segi penguasaan ilmu, kemahiran dan
kepakaran selain dapat membetulkan sebarang salah anggap bukan Islam terhadap agama

Inilah yang menjadi ciri penting dalam pendekatan Islam Hadhari dan seminar Ahli
Sunnah wal Jamaah peringkat antarabangsa ini adalah landasan tepat untuk menuju
masyarakat Islam Hadhari di negara ini dan dunia amnya.

Kita optimis bahawa segala idea, bantuan, gerak kerja dan usah murni daripada
semua pihak akan melahirkan umat Islam yang mempunyai `modal insan’ yang kuat
untuk menjadi umat Islam contoh yang gemilang.

Ucapan terimakasih yang tidak terhingga kepada Kerajaan Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur
khasnya di atas perhatian YAB Dato’ Seri Haji Adnan bin Yaakob, beserta kakitangan
Kerajaan Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur
dan sekalian Ahli Jawatankuasa yang sama-sama memberikan kerjasama dan bantuan.

PERCUMA* Termasuk Beg Seminar, Buku Kertaskerja,
Tag Peserta, Alatulis, Sijil Penyertaan dll.
( Tertakluk kepada perubahan terakhir )

** Tertakluk kepada perubahan terakhir.

*** Tertakluk kepada pindaan terakhir.

Dari Meja Sekteriat :

Seminar Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah :
Seminar Perpaduan Ummah dan Kemurnian Aqidah
Peringkat Antarabangsa
25 - 28 Ogos 2006.
Untuk keterangan lanjut @ sebarang pertanyaan, sila
hubungi :

Syed Ibrahim bin Syed Ahmad
Tel : 019 912 1413

Salahuddin bin Azarai
Tel : 012 686 7315


Sunday, July 23, 2006


I thank those who had given their thoughts and advice regarding my current predicament. When iKelah first embarked in this relief mission, I have often ruminated with the thought that this voluntary work of his will never cease as long as there are catastrophies and wars in this world. Subconsciously I was trying with much qualm to come into terms that I must be prepared to let him go for riskier engagements.

Since the devastating Tsunami that befell Acheh, it seems that the earth has become somewhat unstable. We'd never know when or where the next tetonic plates would move and cause another quake that would shake the richter scales by varying degrees. From the sea-bed near Acheh, the unstable mother earth had decided to shake it's contents unexpectantly, the next year, to the mountains of Pakistan. Hardly a year, another Tsunami raged again at Pangandaran, Jawa. Is Tsunami going to become a regular weather phenomena just like the tornados, floods and hurricanes? It just gives me the creeps when thinking of it!

But wait, GPM relief mission is not only about natural disaters. They have long involved themselves in areas of war zones. Few years back, they had sent medical aids to war-torn Afghanistan and Bosnia, to name a few. Now that Israel (and America) have gone all out to wipe Muslims in the Palestine and perhaps in other Arab nations as well, under the guise of whatever ridiculous reasons (WMD or not!), GPM would have to actively dispatch more and more volunteers.

Having being indirectly 'involved' in this relief 'business', I was often given the reassurance by iKelah that GPM is meticulous in ensuring the safety of its volunteers. Every mission would be initiated by a small group of 'experienced' personels who would do reconnaisance work and search for a safe but practical and reachable camp-site. GPM would never subject its volunteers to obvious risks, I was told. But of course, being the worrying-pot, I am always being hurled with the what-if questions. Truly, I am not that naive to believe that these relief missions are risks-free, especially in a war-wrecked land like Palestine where killing is the norm and peace is a rarity?

If I could, I'd chose an easy path out and say, "No, please don't go". But then, I'd have to live with a guilty conscience for the rest of my life and as it is, I've got enough of those "I should have" feelings in my emotional bag!

Presently, they are waiting for the first group of non-medical volunteers to search and survey Rafah, an Egyptian border town at the southern-most of Gaza strip. Their route would entail a 10 hours anticipated, arduous land journey to Rafah from Cairo. If this inital group finds it safe and feasible to set a medical camp to treat injured refugees, then GPM will start mobilizing it's volunteers in batches.

Inevitably, I can't stop iKelah from going if he wanted to. A man has got to do what he has got to do. But in my small heart, I still wish he doesn't have to.

Latest news yesterday, GPM will not send any medical relief YET since they have closed the borders at Rafah. So for the time-being, I continue with my ambivalent rumination....and guiltily and quietly give my sigh of relief.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

AKU......dalam dilema....

Nak lepas ke tak nak lepas?
Nak beri ke tak nak beri?
Bahaya ke tak bahaya?
Selamat ke tak selamat?

Kalau tak beri...
Rasa berdosa.
Rasa berduka.
Rasa sia-sia.
Bila lagi nak berjihad di sana?


Nak beri ke tak?

Aku.....dalam dilema...
Ya Allah bantu aku!

~Sajak poyo, nukilan si pujangga konfius, 22.7.06

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Criticism should be fair, unbiased and meaningful

Often, innocent criticism crosses both the threshold of constructiveness and decency. On what underlying agenda do we subject others to criticism in the first place?

Criticism should be purposive and meaningful; at least that's what it was originally meant to be.

That meaning seems lost now, as we are ushered into a generation where we give no quarter in our opinions, and rather stubbornly persist in our perceptions of any issue.

The world has become divided into “yes” and “no”. I think it's about time we realise that “maybe” is also a valid option.

Criticism should effectively be a reflection on ourselves.

Few critics are willing to admit the virtues of any work they have set themselves on tearing apart, fearing that it may shake the very stage they preach on, that by affirming such, their resolve might waver.

Here is where the critic is so preoccupied with each individual stroke that he misses the masterpiece that is before him.

The true critic is one who highlights both the saving grace and the damning points of every work.

He or she is impartial, in attributing success and apportioning blame for failure, and as such is perhaps at the very spire of civilisation itself, having cast away all prejudice and bias.

Vern-chieh Yap

I read this in the star Citizen Blog comment, The Star, on the 14th and found it well written. I think it's a sincere and sound advice which all of us should take heed.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Last weekend I had the pleasure of having both my parents, my sister OG and her family and my sister Dekdah at my place. OG (who is currently residing in Beijing) had not travelled to Kuantan by road since at least 15 years ago as the old road had put her off tremendously. This time round after much coaxing and reassurance from me she decided to take the relatively new highway to a test.

"We need you to tell us the way" she said. "There's nothing to guide. It's just a straight-forward road" my dad whom had arrived a few days earlier said. "Yeah. Just follow the sign-board and we'll reach Kuantan" said Redza, her hubby. " Just call me once you've reached Temerloh" I reminded her. And OG texted me back, "To quote Nana (her second daughter who is 6): in which continent is Temerloh? hehe. You see, Nana is now hot on the geographical wherabouts of things. My reply was, "Tell her it's somewhere in the remote coast of Timbuktu and I am sure she knows where that is!"

Along the way OG messaged me: "This is beginning to be like the far, far away land in Shrek 2 when the donkey kept on harassing Shrek with the question 'are we there yet? Are we there yet" And I candidly replied, "No. This is more like the valley of Modor in LOTR, where the Urukhais reside" :-)

To ease OG and Redza, we waited for them at Semambu and led them to the house. OG's daughters are good swimmers and upon seeing the inticing sea-water nearby, they seized the opportunity with marked enthusiasm, the next morning.

We had a grand time as all my dear children are at home for holidays. As we had not taken a complete family pic together, we posed for one. (Only this time, my sis Ita and her family were not around)

Nana and Dad

To my parents and sisters, thanks for the visit. To OG: thank you for enduring the 2 1/2 hours journey. To Nina and Nana, you're welcome to visit us again soon! And to Sarah and Sofi, 'welcome home!'

Sunday, July 02, 2006


This entry was propagated by a car conversation I had with iKelah. Ever so frequently, we would confide and exchange stories on how more and more arrogant many customers are proving themselves to be. Everyday, in our practices, we would encounter incidences and situations pertaining to the uncouth behaviour of some customers. It is saddening to witness the decadency of a society that proclaims to be civil.

In my practice, I see a lot of customers who are employees of big companies that provide their workers with various benefits. Some have abused the system substantially and continue to fervently declare their absolute 'right'. these are the people who hold on to the 'capitalist' doctrine, "customers are always right". Being consumers, of course we would cling to this believe, tightly, to make sure that our rights are being protected. But have we ever delved into the other side? Have we ever considered the plight of the service-providers as a result of the ruthless actions of staunch proponents of the above doctrine?

I have, myself, faced, countless times, rude and selfish customers who think they have the absolute power to demand everything they fancy! These are the people who have gotten themselves into a false realm, believing that their employment benefits entail absolutely everything, so much so, if being denied, they would unleash the devil in them. Words of threat. Harsh statements. And even shouts of abuse.

A typical scenario usually revolves around a rude customer who would obstinately insist that his demands be fulfilled. The front staffs would politely explain that they can't comply as his requests are against regulations. Anger escalates and invariably these people would demand to see higher authority who would succumb to their whims. "Customers are always right" is the dogma every institution tries to instill in its work-force. No mater how wrong customers are, our job is to please them. At the end of the day, we are at the receiving end. Each time a customer complains, the concerned employee has to come up with an explanation letter and in worst-case scenario, he/she will get a letter of warning!

A common example : a lady came just to buy a product over the counter. She had requested a certain product x for another person. The staff declined to oblige as it is a prudent practice to only sell the item, after fulfilling several necessary requirements. In came the husband, demanding to 'talk' to the officer-in-charge. Again the officer politely explained the reasons why. But the obtuse man was adamant and demanded to see the higher authority. Outside, he gave out a barrage of threatening words. "Dia ingat dia sorang je ada peraturan?" "Saya,**** ***** (a job title from a nearby district)" "Jabatan saya pon ada peraturan" Subtly, he was actually making threatening remarks as he is holding a fairly high post in a government force! Isn't he stupid? He can't comprehend the explicit reason of why item x can't be given leisurely and has this silly notion that being in his position justifies everything! Sheesh!

As I face such discourteous people each day, I am very much overjoyed and appreciative towards those who listens to my explanations and accepts them as coming from someone with the appropriate knowledge. These are the true civil beings!

I believe this ridiculous concept of customers being always right has given the license to all contemptible fools to force and flaunt their impudent behavior. And worse still, this doctrine has sadly caused all service-providers to be reduced into servile and meek servants, in constant fear of being reprimanded unnecessarily!

So are customers always right? You tell me!


Below are iKelah's thoughts:

Konsep ini digunapakai untuk menarik pelanggan dengan kaedah 'kita akan melayan apa jua kerenah pelanggan dengan tidak mengira pelanggan itu betul atau salah, cuma yang pasti pihak yang memberi perkhidmatan akan sentiasa dipersalahkan jika terdapat ketidakpuasan pelanggan.'

Hal ini sering terjadi di perkhidmatan-kaunter yang berhadapan dengan orang ramai iaitu pelanggan. Ia sering terjadi pada syarikat separa besar, syarikat multinasional dan yang terpenting syarikat yang mempunyai banyak pesaing. Misalnya, apa bila terdapat aduan dari pelanggan bahawa beliau tidak mendapat produk seperti yang dihajati serta tidak berpuas hati kerana menunggu lama, kemarahannya akan dilepaskan kepada pelayan di kaunter tersebut engan tidak mengira siapa yang bersalah. Maklumbalas bertulis dihantar dan pelayan kaunter terpaksa menerima komplen tersebut. Walaupun produk tersebut tidak ada kerana pihak pengurusan sudah menukar produk atau penyediaannya terganggu, kakitangan bawahan tersebut terpaksa menerima padahnya dengan alasan beliau tidak berjaya meyakinkan pelanggan tersebut. Kelemahan pihak pengurusan terpaksa ditanggung pelayan tersebut kerana yang penting ialah natijahnya iaitu apa jua sebab pelanggan tidak berpuas hati, pelanggan sentiasa benar.

Ini adalah satu indoktrinasi yang tersemat dan terpaku dalam kalbu rakyat malaysia khususnya kaum melayu yang separa tinggi pendidikannya walupun berijazah. Mereka melihat ijazah sebagai satu lesen menaikkan status diri terutamanya kalau ibu bapa mereka dahulunya bekerja keras menoreh atau bermandi lumpur. Inilah masanya menunjukkan pada dunia bahawa keluarga kami berjaya menaikkan status diri. Bagi yang kaya-raya, rakyat mesti mengenali kami yang mampu membeli apa saja dengan wang. Mereka merasa hairan mengapa orang tidak nampak bahawa mereka kaya, berkedudukan dan berkuasa seolah-olah di dahi mereka terdapat cop mohor 'aku bangsawan'. Anugerah 'dato' cuba diperolehi, ijazah pHD cuba diperolehi agar mendapat title 'dr' supaya masyarakat mengenali kebangsawanan mereka. Kedua-duanya tidak sukar diperolehi masa kini hatta jika anda membuka kolej sendiri, gelaran professor pun boleh didapati.

Kemelut ini tidak hanya menular di kalangan mereka yang kurang pendidikan agama, tetapi juga mereka yang tinggi pengetahuan agama tetapi kurang amal serta rasa rendah diri. Kebanyakan mereka mempunyai 'inferiority complex', khuatir orang memandang rendah mereka yang berkopiah, berserban, berjanggut atau bertudung labuh. Mereka tidak sedar, penyakit hati ini juga mainan syaitan.

Jesteru itu, kita perlu kembali kepada ajaran Rasulullah saw, perlu menghayati kehidupan dan keperitan Rasulullah. Kita perlu sedar di kalangan manusia hanya dan sememangnya hanya nabi yang 'always right' dengan sifat maksum kenabian. Andaikata kita berpegang dengan pegangan 'customer is always right' saya khuatir ia sedikit sebanyak akan menjejaskan keImanan kita, kerana ia boleh jatuh kepada perkara yang boleh membatalkan syahadatain (rujuk 20 perkara yang boleh membatalkan syahadatain oleh Ust. Sa'id Hawwa). Kita perlu menyedari sifat atau sikap yang cuba ditanam oleh orientalis barat ini akan membentuk umat yang bongkak, ego merasakan diri serba cukup seolah-olah bersifat firaun yang lambat laun akan melemahkan ummat Islam. Janganlah menjadi ummat Islam yang tinggi pengetahuan agama, kuat amalan tetapi tidak sedar dirinya berpenyakit hati dan terus terjerumus dengan kebongkakan kerana merasakan diri serba betul.

Sifat baik sangka, husnuzan sudah lupus dan diganti dengan kepercayaan bahawa 'orang sekarang ini semuanya teruk'. Mereka tidak lupa berdoa selepas memberi ucapan iaitu "segala yang baik dari Allah dan yang silap dari diri sendiri" namun ia hanya setakat doa hadirnya di bibir tetapi tidak sampai kesudut hati untuk diterjemahkan dalam kehidupan harian. Ramai di kalangan kita terus menadah tangan ke langit dan terus berdoa dan berdoa tetapi yang empunya diri tidak berusaha menghayati doanya serta menghitung diri.

Kita sudah lupa bermuhasabah, bermurakabah kerana sibuk dengan urusan duniawi serta membuat analisis terhadap orang lain tetapi tidak terhadap diri sendiri. Inilah penyakit masyarakat Islam di Malaysia menjelang menjadi negara maju dan tak tahulah ke takuk mana akan hilang nilai diri, nilai keislaman kita apablia kian hampir menjadi negara maju .

Wallahu 'alam.

Bukit Tinggi 2008

Great Wall 2009

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