
This entry was propagated by a car conversation I had with iKelah. Ever so frequently, we would confide and exchange stories on how more and more arrogant many customers are proving themselves to be. Everyday, in our practices, we would encounter incidences and situations pertaining to the uncouth behaviour of some customers. It is saddening to witness the decadency of a society that proclaims to be civil.
In my practice, I see a lot of customers who are employees of big companies that provide their workers with various benefits. Some have abused the system substantially and continue to fervently declare their absolute 'right'. these are the people who hold on to the 'capitalist' doctrine, "customers are always right". Being consumers, of course we would cling to this believe, tightly, to make sure that our rights are being protected. But have we ever delved into the other side? Have we ever considered the plight of the service-providers as a result of the ruthless actions of staunch proponents of the above doctrine?
I have, myself, faced, countless times, rude and selfish customers who think they have the absolute power to demand everything they fancy! These are the people who have gotten themselves into a false realm, believing that their employment benefits entail absolutely everything, so much so, if being denied, they would unleash the devil in them. Words of threat. Harsh statements. And even shouts of abuse.
A typical scenario usually revolves around a rude customer who would obstinately insist that his demands be fulfilled. The front staffs would politely explain that they can't comply as his requests are against regulations. Anger escalates and invariably these people would demand to see higher authority who would succumb to their whims. "Customers are always right" is the dogma every institution tries to instill in its work-force. No mater how wrong customers are, our job is to please them. At the end of the day, we are at the receiving end. Each time a customer complains, the concerned employee has to come up with an explanation letter and in worst-case scenario, he/she will get a letter of warning!
A common example : a lady came just to buy a product over the counter. She had requested a certain product x for another person. The staff declined to oblige as it is a prudent practice to only sell the item, after fulfilling several necessary requirements. In came the husband, demanding to 'talk' to the officer-in-charge. Again the officer politely explained the reasons why. But the obtuse man was adamant and demanded to see the higher authority. Outside, he gave out a barrage of threatening words. "Dia ingat dia sorang je ada peraturan?" "Saya,**** ***** (a job title from a nearby district)" "Jabatan saya pon ada peraturan" Subtly, he was actually making threatening remarks as he is holding a fairly high post in a government force! Isn't he stupid? He can't comprehend the explicit reason of why item x can't be given leisurely and has this silly notion that being in his position justifies everything! Sheesh!
As I face such discourteous people each day, I am very much overjoyed and appreciative towards those who listens to my explanations and accepts them as coming from someone with the appropriate knowledge. These are the true civil beings!
I believe this ridiculous concept of customers being always right has given the license to all contemptible fools to force and flaunt their impudent behavior. And worse still, this doctrine has sadly caused all service-providers to be reduced into servile and meek servants, in constant fear of being reprimanded unnecessarily!
So are customers always right? You tell me!
Below are iKelah's thoughts:
Konsep ini digunapakai untuk menarik pelanggan dengan kaedah 'kita akan melayan apa jua kerenah pelanggan dengan tidak mengira pelanggan itu betul atau salah, cuma yang pasti pihak yang memberi perkhidmatan akan sentiasa dipersalahkan jika terdapat ketidakpuasan pelanggan.'
Hal ini sering terjadi di perkhidmatan-kaunter yang berhadapan dengan orang ramai iaitu pelanggan. Ia sering terjadi pada syarikat separa besar, syarikat multinasional dan yang terpenting syarikat yang mempunyai banyak pesaing. Misalnya, apa bila terdapat aduan dari pelanggan bahawa beliau tidak mendapat produk seperti yang dihajati serta tidak berpuas hati kerana menunggu lama, kemarahannya akan dilepaskan kepada pelayan di kaunter tersebut engan tidak mengira siapa yang bersalah. Maklumbalas bertulis dihantar dan pelayan kaunter terpaksa menerima komplen tersebut. Walaupun produk tersebut tidak ada kerana pihak pengurusan sudah menukar produk atau penyediaannya terganggu, kakitangan bawahan tersebut terpaksa menerima padahnya dengan alasan beliau tidak berjaya meyakinkan pelanggan tersebut. Kelemahan pihak pengurusan terpaksa ditanggung pelayan tersebut kerana yang penting ialah natijahnya iaitu apa jua sebab pelanggan tidak berpuas hati, pelanggan sentiasa benar.
Ini adalah satu indoktrinasi yang tersemat dan terpaku dalam kalbu rakyat malaysia khususnya kaum melayu yang separa tinggi pendidikannya walupun berijazah. Mereka melihat ijazah sebagai satu lesen menaikkan status diri terutamanya kalau ibu bapa mereka dahulunya bekerja keras menoreh atau bermandi lumpur. Inilah masanya menunjukkan pada dunia bahawa keluarga kami berjaya menaikkan status diri. Bagi yang kaya-raya, rakyat mesti mengenali kami yang mampu membeli apa saja dengan wang. Mereka merasa hairan mengapa orang tidak nampak bahawa mereka kaya, berkedudukan dan berkuasa seolah-olah di dahi mereka terdapat cop mohor 'aku bangsawan'. Anugerah 'dato' cuba diperolehi, ijazah pHD cuba diperolehi agar mendapat title 'dr' supaya masyarakat mengenali kebangsawanan mereka. Kedua-duanya tidak sukar diperolehi masa kini hatta jika anda membuka kolej sendiri, gelaran professor pun boleh didapati.
Kemelut ini tidak hanya menular di kalangan mereka yang kurang pendidikan agama, tetapi juga mereka yang tinggi pengetahuan agama tetapi kurang amal serta rasa rendah diri. Kebanyakan mereka mempunyai 'inferiority complex', khuatir orang memandang rendah mereka yang berkopiah, berserban, berjanggut atau bertudung labuh. Mereka tidak sedar, penyakit hati ini juga mainan syaitan.
Jesteru itu, kita perlu kembali kepada ajaran Rasulullah saw, perlu menghayati kehidupan dan keperitan Rasulullah. Kita perlu sedar di kalangan manusia hanya dan sememangnya hanya nabi yang 'always right' dengan sifat maksum kenabian. Andaikata kita berpegang dengan pegangan 'customer is always right' saya khuatir ia sedikit sebanyak akan menjejaskan keImanan kita, kerana ia boleh jatuh kepada perkara yang boleh membatalkan syahadatain (rujuk 20 perkara yang boleh membatalkan syahadatain oleh Ust. Sa'id Hawwa). Kita perlu menyedari sifat atau sikap yang cuba ditanam oleh orientalis barat ini akan membentuk umat yang bongkak, ego merasakan diri serba cukup seolah-olah bersifat firaun yang lambat laun akan melemahkan ummat Islam. Janganlah menjadi ummat Islam yang tinggi pengetahuan agama, kuat amalan tetapi tidak sedar dirinya berpenyakit hati dan terus terjerumus dengan kebongkakan kerana merasakan diri serba betul.
Sifat baik sangka, husnuzan sudah lupus dan diganti dengan kepercayaan bahawa 'orang sekarang ini semuanya teruk'. Mereka tidak lupa berdoa selepas memberi ucapan iaitu "segala yang baik dari Allah dan yang silap dari diri sendiri" namun ia hanya setakat doa hadirnya di bibir tetapi tidak sampai kesudut hati untuk diterjemahkan dalam kehidupan harian. Ramai di kalangan kita terus menadah tangan ke langit dan terus berdoa dan berdoa tetapi yang empunya diri tidak berusaha menghayati doanya serta menghitung diri.
Kita sudah lupa bermuhasabah, bermurakabah kerana sibuk dengan urusan duniawi serta membuat analisis terhadap orang lain tetapi tidak terhadap diri sendiri. Inilah penyakit masyarakat Islam di Malaysia menjelang menjadi negara maju dan tak tahulah ke takuk mana akan hilang nilai diri, nilai keislaman kita apablia kian hampir menjadi negara maju .
Wallahu 'alam.
kisah ini persis riwayat hidup saya. Saya berusaha keras menaikkan diri saya. Saya akan menghancurkan sesiapa saja yang oleh menghancurkan cita-cita saya. Saya tidak ingin kisah silam kehidupan saya diketahui sehingga menjejaskan maruah saya.
Saya sentiasa benar, baik dengan bapak polisi atau bapak dokter apa lagi mereka yang tidak berwang atau tidak ada pekerjaan yang lumayan.
Saya tidak perlu muhasabah kerana saya serba cukup. Apa itu murakabah! mahu dilihat kekurangan saya! Ibu saya bisa saya racun, inikan pula kamu yang tidak ada apa-apa dengan saya. Saya yakin di Malaysia ramai yang seperti saya. Malin yang sentiasa benar naik di mana jua atau dalam situasi apa!
Persetan dengan rendah diri! Saya Malin bisa membeli!
wek rase orang melayu ler ni dah tok sopan. budok tak hormat orang tua. orang yang kite nok mengadu atau nok minte tolong pun kite tak hormat. rase besor diri tu melampou, tak beradab.
orang tak beradab walau bagai mana tinggi belajor, wek rase tok berilmu sebak orang berilmu tak bongkak, orang berilmu hormat orang, santun. orang melayu sekarang ini dah hilang identiti diri, tak macam dulu.
bak pelanggan sentiasa betul, palsapah pedooh. nak tanam dalam diri sipat sombong, belagok macam piraun, tak de rasa kekurangan, lebeh sokmo. memang, nabi je maksum, orang lain toksoh lah pikir sempit macam omputeh. kalu berselisih, gi bukok quran, baca.
Wek Selamoh tak nyenyok tidur ke? Pukul 3 pagi dok berjaga lagi. Ingatkan Pycno sorang aje yang susah lena.
Dah baca dah yang DrRoza dan ikelah tulis tu. Pycno bersetuju sangat dengan pandangan diorang tu. Komen kemudian lah....nak pergi balik dan paksa-paksa diri untuk tidur. Nanti penat nak bekerja esok!!
Malin- malin, malin...kamu ini masih tidak mahu insaf....apa kamu fikir kamu boleh menungkat langit?
Wek Selamoh- Wek ni kalau datang semangat, berkobar memberi cetusan hati yek? Walau pon pukul 3 pagi!
Pycno- Insomnia? Try reading a book! An unfailing tip from Mynn.
beberapa kemungkinan
1. Dulu semekin tiba-tiba jadi kaya sekelip mata,diuji Allah, namun mereka ini tak sedar lupa diri.Macam crita sitenggang. Ramainya orang ginilah yang kita jumpa berhidung tinggi.(kalau betul hidung tu tinggi tak pelah juga, ni hidung pesek..)
2. Ibubapa mereka memang dah berperangai sebegitu, anak ikut ajelah..
3. Perasan.. merekalah yang terbaik dan terpandai..
Yang paling saya menyampah sekali kalau yang meninggi diritu hok yanga pakai kopiah,berjubah, bertudung labuh lagi..
IMHO setengah benda/requesttu tak adalah 1 or 0 aje jawapannya, banyak kali dah saya lalui kalau kita as customer make ourself understand them as provider know their limitations, cakap baik-baik,berhemah memang lepas punya.he..he..banyak belajor dari salesmeng JO..
sebab tu ler i pilih my area of work, my customers are all nice people, full of respect and always generous with praise. If they behaved like those people you described, it is because they need immediate neuroleptic.
The customer always thinks he is right, rightly or wrongly. The ones with the right level of civic-mindedness will know where to draw the line, I think, and not make unnecessary demands. Don't you just menyampah those who go around throwing titles, as if lah orang takut sangat kat titles tu.
Easylady- I bet you see many of them in your practice gak!
Has- Shall I prescribe neuroleptics to these people?? :p
QOTH- Yes. It's crucial that one knows where to draw the line and demand reasonably.
i knew one medical representative. whatever i said, he will say " yes doctor, you are right doctor." or "Yes, true doctor."
Maybe some doctors wil be happy when praised in such a way. i felt very unconfortable and after his few visits nd we got to know each other better, i asked him the reason. it was simple, just assumed all doctors dont like to be disagreed upon and i can proceed with my sales. i just told him, "you are smart." he answered back smiling, "customers are always right."
we bacame friends and i got better answers and discussion when enquiring about a product.
either neuroleptics or they desperately want their laxatives!
"just give me my laxatives, i'm desperate here!!"
Joking aside, you definitely have a point DITH. I can't truly say that my experience so far has been exactly like yours though, as 70%-99% of our "customers" in the UK are quite civil. but of course there are a select few.
In the UK, we almost, ALMOST adopt a "customers are always right" attitute, in the sense that we treat our patients as respectful & informative as possible. it is fortunate that despite such a treatment, not many patients demand the sky ...
The customer is always right on paper...
Hmm....something to be given a thought there...
I don't believe in the statement "Customer is always right". But I do believe service provider di Malaysia perlu better themselves. Esp department customer service.
Bab customer yang announced and threatened yang dia ada so and so title, memang really SAD! Saya geleng kepala sahaja dgn mereka sebegini yang sebenarnya hanya merendah taraf their own values.
I concur with mama sarah. Especially yang kerja kat frontline tu. In this place where I study, most of the time it's the students who usually make the effort to smile and be more patient, so not to kena tengking or tak kena layan by the officers.
I really wonder why this is so, is it because they know that we're simply students (in a way, we're also their customers), they're more 'senior' than us and they thought we can be pushed around?
There was one incident involving refund money, and I lost count just how many times I have to go back and forth to different places and still couldn't settle the matter. In the end, I asked my mother to help me out and voila. She managed to get the money in just one visit to the finance department. And even she herself couldn't believe how the officers initially treated her.
(Here I get the idea usually they will respond to the parents better than the students)
The customer isn't always right and they have no business in using their so-called titles or whatever, but still they have to afford the customer at least their due attention.
:) It was kinda hard to know how to respond to this one, as I have been on both ends. I think consideration and tolerance is called for on both sides. Customer service here in UK is generally a beter experience than in Malaysia. Looking back, I really can not believe the horrible service I tolerated at home, with bookstores (and I being their good customer at that!) shops etc. These establishments are now on my boycott list. And yet, being on the providing side, I have seen people who are too demanding and have intolerable behaviour.
It all points to one thing: lack of adab.
It's kinda sad when you remember that Rasulullah saw was sent down to perfect noble character. It gets even scarier when we remember that there is nothing heavier on the balance than good character. And we should all take heed that if we want to receive Divine Mercy, we should be merciful ourselves too.
Jumu'ah Mubarak everyone! Make salawat!
I think improvement is needed from both sides. Customers have to learn that they are not "always right" and providers should always try to give their best to their customers. I've seen a royal family who easily cuts the line during my hospital attachment in Putrajaya Hospital. The doctor isn't amused, but he didn't say anything about it to the couple.
Customers are not always right, but customers are important.
I clearly remember someone saying that but I forgot who.
I recalled my last visit to Jogja where it was named 'kota budaya'. in the streets, the words they use to educate the public were written in a positive way. there was no 'jangan buang sampah merata-rata, denda RM500 ' instead it was written 'kota akan bertambah indah tanpanya sampah'. wisdom is important to educate the public.
Back home, i think we are too deep in selfishness in compairison to our neighbour eventhough most of us think we are better then them. For example, we went to the post office to pay our bills or to CELCOM to get our bill upto date or at banks to pay our loan, how frequent were there eye to eye contact or both the customer and the service provider greet each other a bit further than 'Assalamulaikum' as both of them could had been doing transactions few times earlier.
At jogja, i went to a few offices, private and government to search for OIC humanitarian aid office. All treated us earnestly, doing not less tahn 5 calls, checking the internet to help us and enquiring from their colleagues. There was this 'genuine look' of trying to help and to succeed in helping us. I also noticed that the way they communicate as though they knew each other for ages.
When i was with my young assistants, the adults refer them as 'anak-anak' not meaning they are 'just kids' but 'our younger generation that need special attention'. I recalled pak rafa'i calling for the kids,"mana anak-anak itu, panggil segera untuk minum bersama." At that time they keep themselves outside not to disturb our 'serious' discussions or planning. They knew their role; the leaders, followers, the host, guests, the provider, customers, planners, workers and all are important for a community to be strong and to progress.
I think with 'customers is always right' just detach us from the world Rasulullah want us to be in. We became selfish thinking we are the most important person around. We look low on younger customers and the youngsters lost their respect on the arrogant adults. The government servants are proud with their post forgetting who pay their salary and the businessman boasted with their richness as taxpayer and and treat government servants as their servants. We are deep following the unsuitable 'western' ways blindly without adapting them based on our traditional Islamic values. Worse still, we believe and practice them.
This distorted attitude or mentality just continue the way 'the satan' wants. We had forgotten the warnings in the Al-Quran about the whisper of satans making us thinking we are the best, no wrong doings by us, others who are actually at fault, we pay and you should service us, I am the one with the authority here, I pay your salary etc.
We had also forgotten our role as 'the caliph of God' to bring peace on this world. We will be tested on our Iman and cheish on those who hold their patience with 'haq' and 'taqwa'. We understand our role and they understand theirs. There is no segregation of provider, customer but we play our role as one ummah to bring peace on this world as guided in Al-Quran and Sunnah, there is no better person than those who obeys Him and our goal is to have 'His Pleasure', happiness in the hereafter.
Being in this line, I've seen customers behaving like a King.
I have also seen Doctors behaving like a demiGod. Throwing things and cursing the nurses.
The bottomline is to have respects on other fellow human beings, regardless of who they are, who you think you are..
Malaysia is such a small place for you to quarrel..
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