A mother is just a human
9 years ago
Nothing can be as astounding as life- except writing -Ibn Zerhani
ReMiNiScEnCe....as the garden of memory grows arid... | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | Dandy Dandilion Designed by Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates
Thank you so much :) The card is lovely.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Crimsonskye dear and to Mum too.
May Allah bless you two, with wonderful and happy days ahead!!!
Unlike DITH, I am not so good in my computer skills. Therefore, I will just have to wish both you and your mom the old fashioned way.
"Happy Birthday!"
*I've really got to start learning all these fancy stuff*
Balik doc. Puasa dan raya. Ha? Jemput ke rumah? Insyallah jika ada telor itek masak lemak.
Selamat hari lahir juga untuk Crimsonskye.
Happy belated birthday crimsonskye and her Ummi!!!
Sorry lambat. But better late than never, right?
happy belated birthday crimsonskye!! bila nak belanja? (whoops, supposed to be the other way round)
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